money donations
Your individual or corporate donations are key to our service provision and will give immediate help and support to our clients.
PLEASE NOTE: Our online donation page will open in a new, secure, window.
Cheques made payable to The Suited & Booted Centre Ltd, may be posted to Suited & Booted, 38 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8JP.
For a Gift Aid form, please DOWNLOAD HERE, email or call 07808 531 654 and we will send one to you.
If you are able to donate by standing order, your regular donations are very important to our service as they provide us with financial security and enable us to plan for the future.
For a standing order form, please email or call 07808 531 654 and we will send one to you.
Our charity name is The Suited & Booted Centre Ltd and our charity number is 1149229.

A new way to give is coming soon. We have teamed up with Curated Community – a new app that aims to drive change through social circles.
Follow Curated Community on Instagram and watch this space!
I was introduced to Suited & Booted through an agency helping people with long-term health complaints return back into the workplace. From the moment that I walked into the showroom, I felt that something special was going to happen.
Maria treated me with such kindness, compassion and friendliness, and spoke to me with such respect and care, and spent time with me to help find a suit that I could wear for a job interview.
Having completed the group interview, I think that my potential employer was so impressed with how I looked, that I was assigned to work in the menswear department of their flagship store in Oxford Street, despite not having any significant achievements on my CV.

Our charity relies on volunteers for all aspects of our work. find out how you can become a voluteer or help us in other ways.