our trustees
Every charity is governed by a Board of Trustees whose role is about governance, strategy and policy – in effect making sure that we do what we were set up to do. All our Trustees donate their expertise, skills and time on a voluntary basis – for which we are very grateful.
Jeremy booth
Jeremy first started to help as a volunteer about eight years ago and is now a Trustee. He became a volunteer because in his professional life as a specialist treating serious injuries (including running one of the largest A&E departments in Central London), he regularly saw the problems faced by the homeless, and by those who are disadvantaged in society.
Angus Murray
Angus Murray has practised as a barrister and also as a solicitor for a City Law Firm in London and Brussels, specialising in administrative and EU law. He has worked on secondment in Former Soviet Union countries and in the Gulf and now works in the public sector in London.
Enid Lawson
Enid first came across Suited & Booted through the Bowyers’ livery company who have supported us for several years. Early in 2022, she began volunteering by replying to clothing donation enquiries, a task she still enjoys. Enid’s experience from a career in the IT and consultancy sectors brings invaluable expertise to our board.